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牛爾玻尿酸全效保濕精華液Ⅱ(配方加強版)| Niu Er Advanced Hydrating Serum II

Niu Er Advanced Hydrating Serum II 牛爾玻尿酸全效保濕精華液Ⅱ(配方加強版)-20167 Rank: ★★★★★
容量:30ml RM55
這款保濕抗老精華液,除了高濃度的保濕鎖水配方外, 更添加了能防護外界傷害的抗老化植物萃取,僅需使用少量,就能達到良好的保濕效果,不論是早晚清潔過後,或者是在冷氣房中,只要肌膚感覺乾燥時,隨時在肌膚上塗抹幾滴於乾燥部位,就能迅速止肌膚的渴。 此外,針對較乾燥的肌膚保養,建議加強使用, 能防止肌膚乾燥,並快速修護肌膚。 完全不含香精、色素及油脂,吸收迅速而觸感清爽, 不會形成肌膚負擔,讓肌膚充滿水分而不會黏膩。

使用方法: 化妝水之後或是面霜之前,取3-5滴輕輕擦拭於臉、頸部肌膚, 可早晚或視肌膚狀況隨時補充使用


Anonymous said...

这个我也有用噢~~ 呵呵~~ 在office 冷气房中,皮肤容易干燥,都会涂抹1-2 滴在干燥部位。保湿超好~ 冰冰凉凉的~~皮肤不再干干的说~~ 每天都带它去上班~~

Anonymous said...

牛尔的玻尿酸Advance Hydrating Essence 很好用哦!它的保湿功能很有效。用过后,能够feel到水水的感觉。

Anonymous said...

I like this hyaluronic acid serum more than the one offered by Skinceuticals because it hydrates the skin better than the latter does and at a much cheaper price too. So though I use up Advanced Hydrating Serum II quite fast, I don't feel the unwilling tug in my heart. If I were to use Skinceutical's, I will be grumbling in my heart all the time and probably won't even want to repurchase. I am glad that one can find good skin care at an affordable price. It seems that Niu Er's products seem to offer that.

Anonymous said...

im 21 years old.. can i use this?

Anonymous said...

yes, it's for all skin types.