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SANA新一代下半身緊繃燃脂膠 SANA Body Firming Slimming Gel

SANA Body Firming Slimming GelSANA新一代下半身緊繃燃脂膠-70115 Rank: ★★★★★ 10/13 牛爾介紹,也受籃教主注目喔! 220ml RM47
日本人气王! 給你300倍纖脂快感!【美麗藝能界】Annie教主說,用了這支,能迅速擺脫美眉最煩惱的西洋梨身材喔!在脂肪肥厚處按摩,充分感受熱感、溫感交亙緊繃效果,常使用能改善肌膚鬆弛現象,提拉緊實下半身線條!保濕美膚,讓肌膚更緊繃、更滑嫩!


SANA Body Firming Slimming Gel-70115
Very popular in Japan! Strongly recommended by Niu Er and Annie. It can remove unwanted fat, firming and slim your thighs, butt and stomach easily. It feels warm when it's burning your fat. Suitable for application on whole body except breast and face. Directions: Apply and massage the gel on problem areas, no need to rinse. Wash hands after used. Country of origin: Japan.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

There is good result if you use it regularly...