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牛爾MA毛孔緊緻精華素EX(第二代全新加強配方)| Niu Er Micro- A Pore Minimizing Serum Ex

Niu Er Micro- A Pore Minimizing Serum Ex
牛爾MA毛孔緊緻精華素EX(第二代全新加強配方)-20203 Rank: ★★★★★
容量:30 ml RM65

這款加強配方的【第二代】毛孔精華素,添加衛生署公佈的有效收斂成分,質地清爽,能夠迅速被肌膚所吸收,不管你是屬於鬆弛的毛孔、還是出油性的毛孔、甚至 堵塞型的毛孔粗大問題,都推薦你使用這款全功能的MA毛孔緊緻精華素EX,創造光滑如水煮蛋般的陶瓷肌膚。


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I have been using this items bout a months, twice a day, now I notice my pore is less obvious,
I find this product work on minimizing pore, will definitely buy again. (I will buy the essence n c how the result).