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KOSE新彈力Q10超緊實提拉美容液面膜 Kose Q10 Enzyme Firming Whitening Mask

Kose NEW Q10 Enzyme Firming Whitening Mask KOSE新彈力Q10超緊實提拉美容液面膜-70119 Rank: ★★★★★

22 pieces RM49 = only RM2.22 per piece!

日本大人氣~超划算經濟型保養面膜 Q10緊緻精華液 膠原蛋白成份 100倍保濕分子釘 特別針對乾荒細紋肌膚設計,添加 Q10緊緻精華,能有效撫平細紋,修護乾荒受損肌。搭配三效複方撫紋、QQ彈力肌、鎖水保濕一次搞定!使用方法:請在洗完臉後乾淨的肌膚上使用,靜置10分鐘後,取下面膜後把殘留的美容液用手輕塗於全臉。

Kose Q10 Enzyme Firming Whitening Mask -70119
Very Popular in Japan! Extremely economically used. Specially design for dry wrinkled skin. Q10 firming essence can effectively ease the fine lines, repair and hydrate your skin. Directions: After cleansing and toning, apply mask. Wear for 10 minutes then remove. Massage the remaining essence. Country of Origin: Japan.

Also check out:
1)KOSE 新彈力薏仁白皙美容液面膜22入-70124 22 pieces RM49

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Kose Q10 mask, not just can be "保湿" it will look "光泽" also!!